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AV Projektai

AV Projektai, UAB – Pineca Group – is a group of companies that manage and invest in timber and bio-energy industry. We manufacture and distribute various wooden structures, residential cabins, and wood pellets. We‘re using ecological Nordic pine and Scandinavian spruce as our primary construction material to guarantee the best quality of our products. We make sure that each product meets standards of quality and we also apply ISO standards to our production process. Pineca Group is producing more than 10 000 houses each year and distributing them in all Europe and South America. Pineca Group has become a benchmark reference for the timber construction and bio energetic market.


AV Projektai, UAB kontaktai

Įmonės kodas: 301793315

Adresas: Verkių g. 25C-1, LT-08223 Vilnius


Įmonėje dirba 116 darbuotojai.

Vidutinis atlyginimas (bruto): 3,378 Eur.

Pardavimo pajamos: 33,877,233 Eur.

Pelnas: 3,882,515 Eur.


Veiklos sritys:
Mediena, jos gaminiai
Baldai (prekyba)
Pirtys ir baseinai


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