Omega 365 Lithuania UAB

Omega 365 Lithuania UAB – Omega 365 Lithuania UAB is a daughter company of Omega AS, a leading Norwegian IT company providing project management systems and services to the oil and gas industry. Omega has offices in Lithuania, Norway, USA, Canada, Australia and Singapore, and is currently involved in development projects at various locations all over the world.


Omega 365 Lithuania UAB kontaktai

Įmonės kodas: 300548747

Centrinė būstinė: Vilhelmo Berbomo g. 10, LT-92221 Klaipėda


Įmonėje dirba 56 darbuotojai.

Vidutinis atlyginimas (bruto): 3,854 Eur.

Pardavimo pajamos: 2,511,701 Eur.

Pelnas: 19,627 Eur.



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